The Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland and the Consumer Finance Institute of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia hosted a virtual conference on the application of artificial intelligence in consumer finance.
Rigorous and robust conversation held over the course of two days helped define what are fair outcomes, both in the context of recent advances in computer science and in practical application under the law. Specifically, we explored how algorithms can be evaluated and assessed as fair in the pricing of and access to consumer lending and payments. Download the conference program and agenda.
Day 1: Defining and Verifying Algorithmic Fairness
Algorithmic Fairness, Causality, and Interpretability
- Cynthia Rudin, Duke University (presentation)
- Michael Kearns, University of Pennsylvania (presentation)
- Niki Kilbertus, Helmholtz AI (presentation)
Moderator: Minchul Shin, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Practical Challenges to Recent Advances in Machine Learning
- Talia Gillis, Columbia Law School (presentation)
- Jenn Wortman Vaughan, Microsoft Research (presentation)
- Doaa Abu-Elyounes, Harvard Law School (presentation)
Moderator: Jeanne Rentezelas, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Day 2: The Past as Prologue
Possible Discrimination and Its Uncertain Mechanisms
- Alexander D'Amour, Google Research
- Jann Speiss, Stanford University (presentation)
- Matt Kusner, University College London (presentation)
Moderator: David Lynch, Board of Governors
Keynote: Lessons From the Past
Presenter: Robert Avery, Federal Housing Finance Agency (presentation)
Statistical Lessons in Identifying Fairness
- Marsha Courchane, Charles River Associates (presentation)
- Gregorio Caetano, University of Georgia (presentation)
- Dean Knox, University of Pennsylvania (presentation)
Moderator: Dionissi Aliprantis, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
The views expressed in the presentations are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia or the Federal Reserve System.