Working Paper
Savings Versus Debt: The Effects of Survey Question Order on Consumers’ Reported Financial Priorities
WP 24-17 – Survey after survey indicates that building savings and reducing debt are among the top financial goals for many Americans. However, because of limited resources and inherent trade-offs, achieving these two goals can be challenging and often requires prioritizing one goal over the other.
Featured Work
CFI in Focus: Large Bank Credit Card and Mortgage Data: A Tale of Two Portfolios
CFI in Focus – In July 2022, the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia began publishing a new quarterly series of large bank credit card and mortgage data, also known as Public Y-14 data. The data come from regulatory reporting that the largest banks in the country are required to submit, based on asset and portfolio thresholds.
Working Paper
Bankruptcy Lawyers and Credit Recovery
WP 24-10 – The author studies how bankruptcy law firm advertisements affect credit recovery of households in financial distress.
LIFE Survey Report – January 2024
This report is the first in a quarterly series on key observations from the Labor, Income, Finances, and Expectations (LIFE) Survey. Data from the survey provide insight into consumers’ recent financial lives and their future expectations.
Featured Data
Advancing Fairness in Lending Through Machine Learning
Showcasing the work of Philadelphia Fed researchers, this interactive data visualization explores an approach to credit lending using machine learning and fairness goals that may help address current disparities in credit access.
Updated: 05 Feb ’24
CFI COVID-19 Survey of Consumers
To gain insights into the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on financial security in the U.S., the Consumer Finance Institute at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia conducted a series of national surveys of consumers beginning in April 2020 and concluding in April 2022.
Updated: 30 May ’23
Philadelphia’s History of Racially Restricted Housing
As part of the Philadelphia Fed’s efforts to understand how housing affects the economy in our District, our researchers are studying the links between past housing discrimination and present-day outcomes.
Updated: 20 Feb ’24