Population, Prices, and Amenities

Economic Insights — Housing is becoming unaffordable for more and more Americans, but not everywhere. To understand why, and to know what to do about it, we need to take a closer look at the local amenities we value when choosing where to live.

Featured Work

Community Development


Putting Research into Action

Housing costs are a top concern for all of us. In this article, Philadelphia Fed President Patrick T. Harker expands on research conducted by the Philadelphia Fed that brings both the challenges and opportunities of housing affordability into clearer focus.

Neighborhood Income Inequalities in Flood Hazards Across the Third Federal Reserve District States

This report examines flood exposure and risk in the Third Federal Reserve District states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware by neighborhood income level, now and in the future.

How Much Danger? A Comparison of Alternative Measures of Flood Hazards Across the Third Federal Reserve District States

The study compares two measures for measuring flood risk in Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania and seeks to understand the implications for property owners and residents in lower-income communities.

Featured Data

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Rental Housing Affordability

The Rental Housing Affordability data tool enables users to examine trends in rental housing affordability in Third District states from 2011 to 2018.

Updated: 26 Oct ’20

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Community Profiles

The Community Development and Regional Outreach Department has compiled information on each region within the Third Federal Reserve District and has developed a suite of materials that the department calls community profiles.

Updated: 18 Jul ’23

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Home Mortgage Explorer

This refreshed tool offers an easy way to view local trends in mortgage lending between 2010 and 2021. Find data for home purchase, refinance, and home improvement mortgages, and visualize trends by applicant income, gender, and race and ethnicity.

Updated: 18 May ’23