Rental Housing Affordability Data Explorer

The Rental Housing Affordability Data Explorer provides estimates of the availability of affordable rental housing at different income levels and summarizes the characteristics of units occupied by low- and moderate-income renters in Third District communities.

Data Explorer

Tab 2 Content

About the Data

The Rental Housing Affordability Data Explorer provides estimates of the availability of affordable rental housing at different income levels in the three states of the Third Federal Reserve District (Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania). Users can see estimates at the state level and for select metropolitan areas, metropolitan divisions, and counties for which data were available.

In addition, the data tool shows the percentage of households that are cost-burdened (paying over 30 percent of their income to rent) and severely cost-burdened (paying over 50 percent of their income to rent). The tool also includes information on the age and type of structure of the units and offers insights into federally subsidized rental housing programs and their expiration status.

To promote financial stability in low- and moderate-income communities and ensure a strong economy, the Philadelphia Fed explores issues around affordable housing. This tool can help users understand trends in rental affordability and inform state, regional, and county strategies to address affordability challenges and preserve the existing low-cost rental stock.

Contact the Team

Eileen Divringi


Community Development Research Manager

Suggested Citation: Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. Rental Housing Affordability Data Explorer. Accessed Jan 18, 2025,