Areas of Expertise
Neil Bhutta, who joined the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia in September 2022, is a special advisor in the Consumer Finance Institute. His current research focuses on financial literacy and household financial decisions, as well as racial disparities in household wealth and credit access.
Neil first developed an interest in household finance and mortgage and housing markets in graduate school. After joining the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in 2008, he has continued his policy work and research in these areas. While at the Fed, he has also been involved in interagency rulemaking processes involving consumer financial protection and fair lending. Neil has published his work extensively in journals and Federal Reserve publications. He says he enjoys research that has clear policy implications to help support well-informed, evidence-based policy decisions.
Neil has a Ph.D. in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a B.A. in physics and economics from Emory University.