Areas of Expertise
When studying and working in older, postindustrial cities, Eileen Divringi was struck by stark geographic inequalities: how economically distressed cities and inner-ring suburbs can sit side-by-side with incredibly affluent communities, leading to vast disparities in quality of life and access to opportunity within the same region. She studies housing and neighborhood change, and hopes that her research can help community partners shape their programs and foster equitable development. Eileen’s focus on creating actionable information on issues related to housing, access to credit, and household financial well-being helps to facilitate a more impactful community development sector throughout the Third District. In addition to producing practitioner-oriented reports and articles, she maintains the Consumer Credit Explorer data tool.
Prior to joining the Bank, Eileen worked with a coalition of Detroit-area municipalities to develop a model program for environmentally sustainable affordable housing. She also analyzed Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority’s portfolios of subsidized housing and municipally owned vacant land.
Eileen has master's degrees in city planning and public administration from the University of Pennsylvania and a B.A. in political science and environmental studies from the University of Michigan.