A modern woman reviews data on a laptop.

Consumer Credit Score Dynamics During the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Great Recession

This report examines the rise in U.S. consumer credit scores during the COVID-19 pandemic and compares this trend with what happened during the Great Recession.

Featured Work



Labor, Race, and COVID-19

Economic Insights — There have long been racial differences in how workers experience the labor market, but some interesting things happened to those differences during the pandemic.

Housing & Neighborhoods

Working Paper

Has COVID Reversed Gentrification in Major U.S. Cities? An Empirical Examination of Residential Mobility in Gentrifying Neighborhoods During the COVID-19 Crisis

WP 22-20 – This paper examines whether neighborhoods that had been gentrifying lost their appeal during the pandemic because of COVID-induced health risks and increased work-from-home arrangements.


Working Paper

The Causal Effects of Lockdown Policies on Health and Macroeconomic Outcomes

WP 22-18 – We assess the causal impact of epidemic-induced lockdowns on health and macroeconomic outcomes. We find that additional government-mandated mobility curtailments would have reduced deaths at a very small cost in terms of GDP.

Featured Data

Generic bar graph with bars of various heights

CFI COVID-19 Survey of Consumers

To gain insights into the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on financial security in the U.S., the Consumer Finance Institute at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia conducted a series of national surveys of consumers beginning in April 2020 and concluding in April 2022.

Updated: 30 May ’23

Generic bar graph with bars of various heights

Weekly Labor Market Information

Analysis of unemployment insurance claims and other weekly data for the tri-state region and the U.S.

Updated: 10 Nov ’21

Generic line chart with two lines

COVID-19 Business Outlook Survey

Special survey (now monthly, previously weekly) of firms in the Third District

Updated: 23 Dec ’20