Historical Data: Livingston Survey - Philadelphia Fed
Documentation: Please see the documentation for the survey before working with the data.
Forecasts for Levels:
Forecasts for Growth Rates: All Surveys
- Growth of Median Forecast for the Levels of Survey Variable
- Growth of Mean Forecast for the Levels of Survey Variables
Cross-Sectional Forecast Dispersion: All Surveys
- Measure D1: Forecast Dispersion Data for Levels
This dispersion measure is the difference between the 75th percentile and the 25th percentile of the projections in levels. - Measure D2: Forecast Dispersion Data for Growth
This dispersion measure is the difference between the 75th percentile and the 25th percentile of projections for growth, expressed in annualized percentage points. - Measure D3: Forecast Dispersion Data for Log Difference of Levels
This dispersion measure is the percent difference between the 75th percentile and the 25th percentile of the projections in levels.
Alternative Base Values for Computing Growth Rates
An alternative file of quarterly base values for real and nominal GDP (GNP in surveys before 1996) is available. The file shows the historical values as the Bureau of Economic Analysis revised them after we sent the questionnaire to the panelists but before the deadline for returns. The quarterly values are for the quarter before the quarter in which we conducted the survey (Q1 values for a June survey; Q3 values for a December survey).
Discontinued Series
Stock Price Index (1952 to 1990):
Note: "Discontinued series" are not part of the official Livingston Survey data set and may contain errors. The Philadelphia Fed no longer maintains these series.
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