The Real-Time Data Research Center produces macroeconometric analyses and collects and maintains a variety of data sets of value to macroeconomists and monetary policymakers, including the Aruoba-Diebold-Scotti Business Conditions Index, real-time data set for macroeconomists, the Livingston Survey, the Survey of Professional Forecasters, GDPplus, and the Tealbook (formerly Greenbook) data sets.

View a presentation on the Center's products.

Research areas of interest to the center include:

  • Implications of data revisions for monetary policy
  • How expectations affect monetary policy
  • The impact of monetary policy on economic forecasts
  • Optimal policymaking under uncertainty
  • Accuracy of macroeconomic forecasts
  • Separating the signal from the noise in data
  • Development of forecasting models, DSGE models, and VAR models
  • Modeling and forecasting data revisions
  • Constructing forecasts with data that are subject to revision


The Real-Time Data Research Center seeks to become the global source of economic research involving real-time data, macroeconomic forecast surveys, and macroeconomic modeling, and the valuable insights to be drawn from that research for monetary policymaking. The center carries out its mission by producing and maintaining the real-time data set for macroeconomists, the Survey of Professional Forecasters, and the Livingston Survey, by providing macroeconometric analyses, and by encouraging collaboration among academic scholars and central bank researchers via a visiting scholar program, workshops, and conferences.

Go to the Real Time Data page.