Historical Housing Prices Project

The Historical Housing Prices (HHP) Project, now at the Philadelphia Fed, provides new data on the price of housing for sale and for rent over the 20th century using the real estate sections of historical newspapers. The data cover 30 major cities, including Philadelphia.

This data page is part of our Center for the REstoration of Economic Data (CREED).


Slide the circles to see changes in housing price indices between two years.
The total data set spans 1890-2006, but data for each city are not available for every year.

Data Downloads

City-Level Indices

This file contains the HHP city-level housing price series for both owned and rented housing. The city-level indices are relative to 1948 levels, as not every city in the sample had a dense enough housing market to support a newspaper real estate section before that year.

National Indices

This file contains the HHP national housing price series for both owned and rented housing. The national indices are relative to a base year of 1890, although the visualization above has rebased the series to 1948 to show alongside the city-level indices.

About the Research

Office Entrance

Housing impacts individual economic well-being, influences wealth-building opportunities, and is vital to the overall economy. Despite the critical importance of housing to the U.S. economy, existing long-run housing price series are limited, particularly before the 1970s.

The Historical Housing Prices (HHP) Project, now housed at the Philadelphia Fed, began with support from the National Science Foundation (SES-1918554), the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, and Trinity College in Dublin, with principal investigators Allison Shertzer (now at the Philadelphia Fed), Ronan Lyons (Trinity College Dublin), and Rowena Gray (University of California, Merced). (The Philadelphia Fed did not receive funding from external funders in connection with this project.)

As part of our efforts to ensure a strong overall economy, the Philadelphia Fed identifies housing-related issues and informs solutions. This project aims to bring new data on the price of housing over the long run to inform research and policymaking.

Contact the Team

Allison Shertzer



Economic Advisor and Economist