Acknowledgments: Real-Time Data Set for Macroeconomists
The Real-Time Data Set for Macroeconomists would not exist without the dedication and hard work of many people. The interns who did all the data entry and checking deserve special recognition for their many hours of labor. They are: Nicole Belanger, John Erhard, Lisa Forman, Jason Harvey, Ryan Hayward, Peter High, Michael Hodge, Eric Hsu, Oliver Jay, Katherine Latta, Lucy Yue Lu, Kevin O'Connell, Michael Pantilione, Ron Patrick, Samantha Phong, Margaret Shea, Adam Stark, Andrew Stern, Marissa Turow, Jon Vogel, Keith Wilbur, Yingjia Wang, and Bill Wong.
We would also like to thank librarians throughout the Federal Reserve System for sending us many old historical data records. In addition, we thank Richard Anderson and Bob Rasche of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Sean Collins, and Carol Corrado of the Federal Reserve Board, Ken Kavajecz of the University of Pennsylvania, Jurgen Kropf, Francis Horvath, and Peter Zadrozny of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and Richard Kane, Rosemary Marcuss, and Bruce Grimm of the Bureau of Economic Analysis for their extra effort in supplying missing data for some of our series.
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