Mortgage Fairness Explorer

How fair or unfair is the U.S. mortgage market? The answer to this question varies across (1) the definition of fairness, (2) the chosen demographic groups, and (3) both time and space. This visualization allows the user to examine fairness in the U.S. mortgage market across these three dimensions.

Data Explorer

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Fairness Measures by Year and State

This file contains fairness measures by year and state. Fairness measures are included in both differences and ratios relative to the reference group (where applicable). Observations based on a sample size of less than five people are excluded.


Office Entrance

The Mortgage Fairness Explorer is an online appendix to our working paper that allows users to visualize fairness trends in the U.S. mortgage market by state and year across competing and widely used definitions of fairness.

Our research has found that different definitions of fairness can lead to markedly different conclusions. By considering a wide range of fairness definitions, the explorer offers a comprehensive view of fairness in this market. It further allows a user to explore recent time trends and geographic patterns in fairness and inequality in the U.S. mortgage market.

We hope that this research contributes to a more nuanced understanding of how we measure and regulate fairness, both in the mortgage market and more generally.

Contact the Team

Ryan Kobler


Machine Learning Analyst

Minchul Shin


Senior Economic Advisor and Machine Learning Economist

Suggested Citation: Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. Mortgage Fairness Explorer. Accessed Feb 12, 2025,
  1. This explorer is based upon preliminary research that is being circulated for discussion purposes. The views expressed here are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia or the Federal Reserve System. No statements here should be treated as legal advice. Any errors or omissions are the responsibility of the authors.