Brown University and the Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia will host the sixth annual Conference on Urban and Regional Economics (CURE) on September 19–20, 2014. This year's conference will be held at Brown University in Providence, RI, and will be in honor of J. Vernon Henderson. This two–day event will commence on the morning of Friday, September 19, and be held through the afternoon of Saturday, September 20. The goal of the conference is to bring together 30–40 urban and regional economists from around the world to present papers or participate in the discussions generated during the workshop.

Organized by

Gerald A. Carlino, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Nate Baum-Snow, Brown University
Jeff Lin, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

Program - Download

Friday, September 19, 2014

"Agglomeration: A Dynamic Approach

  • William Walker Hanlon, UCLA; Antonio Miscio, Columbia University
  • Discussants: Alex Whalley, UC Merced; Ben Faber, UC Berkeley

"External Integration, Structural Transformation, and Economic Development: Evidence from Argentina 1870-1914"

  • Stephen Redding, Princeton University; Pablo Fajgelbaum, UCLA
  • Discussants: Donald Davis, Columbia University; Thomas Holmes, University of Minnesota

"Gross Migration, Housing, and Urban Population Dynamics"

  • Morris Davis, Rutgers University; Jonas Fisher, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago; Marcelo Veracierto, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
  • Discussants: Gilles Duranton, University of Pennsylvania; Edward Glaeser, Harvard University

"Spatial Patterns and Size Distributions of Cities"

  • Tomoya Mori, Kyoto University; Wen-Tai Hsu, Singapore Management University; Tony Smith, University of Pennsylvania
  • Discussants: Jens Suedekum, Heinrich-Heine University Dusseldorf; Jonathan Dingel, University of Chicago

"Is Climate Change Driving Urbanization in Africa?"

  • Adam Storeygard, Tufts University; Vernon Henderson, LSE; Uwe Deichmann, World Bank
  • Discussants: Stephen Ross, University of Connecticut; Pierre-Philippe Combes, GREQAM

"Equilibrium and Optimal Urban Systems with Heterogeneous Land"

  • Frederic Robert-Nicoud, University of Geneva; Kristian Behrens, UQAM
  • Discussants: David Albouy, UIUC; Klaus Desmet, Universidad Carlos III

Saturday, September 20, 2014

"Natural Amenities, Neighborhood Dynamics, and Persistence in the Spatial Distribution of Income"

  • Sanghoon Lee, University of British Columbia; Jeffrey Lin, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
  • Discussants: Jan Brueckner, UC Irvine; Daniel Sturm, LSE

"Admitting Students to Selective Education Programs: Merit, Profiling, and Affirmative Action"

  • Holger Sieg, University of Pennsylvania; Dennis Epple, Carnegie Mellon University; Dario Cestau, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Discussants: Henry Overman, LSE; Kurt Schmidheiny, Universitat Basel

"A Tractable Circular City Model with Endogenous Internal Structure"

  • Satyajit Chatterjee, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia; Burcu Eyigungor, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
  • Discussants: Marcus Berliant, Washington University; Maisy Wong, University of Pennsylvania