However, little research has been done to help understand how appraisal valuations respond to rapidly changing local market conditions and regulatory environments. This study provides an empirical examination of the pattern of appraisal bias during the housing crisis in the Third Federal Reserve District. Based on a unique transaction-level appraisal data set, this study evaluates how the lack of market activity, the concentration of foreclosures, and the increased use of appraisal management companies, as well as other factors, impact the incidence of low appraisals during the crisis. This study further examines the possible challenges created by low appraisals on the access to mortgage credit.
View the Full Discussion PaperDiscussion Paper
The Pattern of Appraisal Bias in the Third District During the Housing Crisis
June 2014
Appraisers have often been criticized for the inflated home values that were more prevalent during the housing boom, as well as overly conservative valuations during the housing bust.