The Opportunity Finance Network collects data contributed voluntarily from both member and nonmember CDFIs. This feature summarizes the loans made by 24 participating CDFIs between January 2010 and March 2015.1 The map indicates which sector (business, commercial real estate and community services, or housing development) received at least half of the reported CDFI financing during this period based on loan volume; counties in which no sector received a majority of financing are labeled “hybrid.”
The roughly 1,600 loans made by participating CDFIs in the Third Federal Reserve District since 2010 totaled more than $610 million, with Philadelphia County accounting for three-quarters of this volume. In Philadelphia, as in 12 other counties, the majority of lending was directed to commercial real estate and community services, while loans to businesses and for housing development were more common in New Jersey and some central Pennsylvania counties. CDFI lending was more evenly distributed across sectors in seven “hybrid” counties.
County-Level Summary of CDFI Lending (January 2010—March 2015)
The views expressed here do not necessarily represent the views of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia or the Federal Reserve System.
[1]Of the 24 participating CDFIs, eight are located in counties in the Third Federal Reserve District. Because many of the roughly 30 CDFIs within the Third District do not contribute data to the Opportunity Finance Network, this is not a complete picture of all CDFI lending in Third District counties. See for a nationwide list of certified CDFIs.
Sources: Author’s calculations using CDFI lending data provided by the Opportunity Finance Network, which can be explored interactively on the organization’s CDFI Coverage Map; Esri, derived from Tele Atlas; U.S. Census Bureau