The Beyond the Numbers series uses qualitative research methods, such as practitioner interviews and focus groups, to explore topics related to community development in low- and moderate-income communities and fair access to credit. Reports in this series may be follow-ups to other research published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia or mixed-method reports that incorporate data from a variety of sources.

In 2016, the Federal Reserve Banks of Philadelphia and Atlanta released a publication titled “Following the Money: An Analysis of Foundation Grantmaking for Community and Economic Development.” Based on data provided by the Foundation Center that capture all grants of at least $10,000 made by the 1,000 largest foundations between 2008 and 2013, the analysis finds that some metro areas received a substantially greater level of philanthropic support for community and economic development (CED) than did others during this period. This Beyond the Numbers report provides insights from a sample of key informants throughout the Third Federal Reserve District on the metro area and organizational factors that affect a community’s ability to attract foundation support for CED activities. This companion report explores in more depth the factors at play in determining where philanthropic capital flows and gains the perspective of nonprofits on the role of local and national philanthropic support for CED efforts. This study presents the themes that emerged from interviews with representatives from nonprofit organizations across Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware.

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