This worksheet is provided to assist you in calculating the items to be reported on the Annual Report of Deposits and Reservable Liabilities (FR 2910a). You are not required to submit it to the Federal Reserve Bank. Other methods may be used to compile these data. Further information about the terms used below can be found in this tutorial or the FR 2910a instructions.

Report all balances as of the close of business to the nearest thousand dollars.

Transaction Accounts
1. Enter NOW accounts (or Share draft accounts for credit unions)
2. Enter demand deposits, including "primary obligations" in the form of demand deposits.
(Demand deposits also include NINOW and POW accounts.)
3. Enter ATS accounts and telephone and preauthorized transfers.
4. Calculate Total transaction accounts.
Sum of lines 1, 2, and 3
5. Enter Demand balances due from depository institutions in the U.S.
6. Enter Cash items in process of collection.
7. Calculate Net transaction accounts.
Line 4 minus the sum of lines 5 and 6. Enter line 7 on Item 2.a of the FR 2910a reporting form.
(Net transaction accounts may be negative.)
Item 2.a. of the FR2910a form
Savings Deposits
8. Enter Total savings deposits, including "primary obligations" in the form of savings deposits.

Include accounts commonly known as passbook savings accounts, statement savings accounts, MMDAs, club accounts, IRAs, and other balances held in the form of savings deposits. Credit unions should include regular share accounts.
9. Enter the amount of Nonpersonal savings deposits included on line 8.1
Time Deposits
10. Enter Total time deposits, including "primary obligations" in the form of time deposits.

Include time certificates of deposit, club accounts, IRAs, and other balances held in the form of time deposits. Credit unions should include share certificates.
11. Enter the amount of Time deposits with balances of $100,000 or more included in line 10.
12. Calculate Small time deposits.
Line 10 minus line 11.
13. Enter the amount of Nonpersonal time deposits included on line 10.1
Calculate FR 2910a Items 1 and 2
14. Calculate Total transaction accounts, savings deposits, and small time deposits.
Sum lines 4, 8, and 12. Enter line 14 on Item 1 of the FR 2910a reporting form.
Item 1 of the FR2910a form
15. Calculate Reservable liabilities.
Sum lines 7, 9, and 13. Enter line 15 on Item 2 of the FR 2910a reporting form.
(Reservable liabilities may be negative.)
Item 2 of the FR2910a form
  • 1 Nonpersonal deposits are deposits that are transferable or in which any beneficial interest is held by a depositor other than a natural person.